
Welcome. Espavo.

Thank you for taking your power!

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Tips for success:

  • In the classroom, you will find a lesson for each chakra. Within each chakra lesson you will find the links to each of the meditations and mini classes for yoga, yantra, essential oils. There will be journal prompts and affirmations for you to work with too. I highly recommend working with all the content and practices so you can get to know your own energies and imbalances. This is YOUR journey.
  • Get a Journal and USE IT! Do the journal prompts for each chakra.
  • Meditate - If it’s important to you to achieve the results, you WILL find the time. Anything is better than nothing. Work with the guided meditations or practice your own style, as long as you are practicing some type of meditation. Chakra healing is not possible without meditation and breathing.
  • Be gentle and compassionate on yourself.
  • Use the group for support. Get vulnerable!
  • Be mindful of who you are surrounding yourself with while working with energy.
  • Be mindful of your diet.
  • Remember your WHY - why did you start this course? Because you wanted change. Remember that when you feel lazy, tired, or your mind tells you that you don’t need to do this work.
  • Any questions, email me at [email protected] or tag me in the facebook group!

An introduction

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that literally translates as disk or wheel. Essentially, the chakras are energy centers within our subtle anatomy that govern the distribution and flow of prana energy (or Chi, life force) through our system. If that sounds like a fairly big order, it’s because it is! Every aspect of being human (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) is effected by the health of prana flowing through the body. Lack or prana = illness & dis-ease.

Just as traffic can become jammed at an intersection, and the flow of blood can become blocked within an artery, energy can become blocked at chakra points. Think of the chakras as energetic hubs where the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual all meet. We need that energy flowing if we are going to live to our potential!

When we work with energy, we must mention the nadis. The nadis are the "highways"of prana and subtle energy. Prana moves through nadis, and when blockage occurs, we can experience disharmony in the form of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual disorder and dis-ease. That might be anything from mild feelings of unrest to chronic illness or dis-ease.

This would be a good time to mention that, while there is the potential for energy of a chakra to become so deficient that it becomes blocked or stagnant, there is also the potential for chakras to become overactive, which can create problems too. The energetic flow through the chakras is largely affected by our mental state. Holding onto fears and anxieties blocks the flow of energy, and at times can even reverse the flow of energy - filling us up with stagnant toxic energy waste.

Let’s start by quickly talking about our blocks to chakra work.

Our deep rooted blocks may be the result of physical conditions, distorted energetic patterns, emotional beliefs systems, erroneous beliefs, and spiritual misconceptions

  1. Physical issues can block prana flow - this can be injury related to broken bones), illness (flu), ailment (sore throat, earache), disease (diabeties, cancer), addictions, lack of physical self-care (worn out, tired)

Think about a river with a damn - physical toxins create energetic damns - so make an effort to clear physical blocks - food, rest, pranayama, fasting, treatment for illness/disease, asanas,

  • Energetic Blockages

    The energetic blocks occur in the nadi system. If prana cannot flow through the nadis properly then the regions of the body not receiving vital prana can become weak, ill, injured, or atrophied.

    Asanas are great for working on the energetic body as well as the physical, as well as pranayama and alternate nostril breathing
  • Mental-emotional blockages

The biggest cause of this blockage is those NEGATIVE PATTERNS OF THOUGHT that self limit and keep us playing small. Releasing these are difficult without learning to control the breath because we must learn to OBSERVE.
These negative patterns are rooted in subconscious beliefs from early in life. To release these, we must ford identify them. We can do this through journalling, meditation, and self-awareness.

Stored anger, depression, fear, preconceived ideas, habits, beliefs lock our energy into repetitive channels and habitual behavioral patterns. This keeps us trapped in the same old habitual patterns that we can't seem to change because we must get to the root. I

  • Intellectual Blocks
    Fueled by the analytical and logical mind, our ability to reason and believe our own BS can block us.
    EGO! Right & wrong/dualistic, rigid thinking.
    Habits like doubt, fault-finding, negativity as an excuse feed intellectual blocks.
    Attachment vs Non-attachment
  • Karmic blockages
    Cause and effect - we may have blocks in response to our previous choices in life as well as past life choices. Acknowledging that your decisions created your current reality is where you begin to take your power back in the realm of karma. Karma is a bit advance, so we won't focus too much on this, but I wanted to mention that karmic blockages are a reality especially at the levels of Root & Earth Star.

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